
What is a Predatory Marriage?

I recently attended a Vulnerability Conference and heard Daphne Franks telling her story about her wonderful mother Joan, who sadly passed away in March 2016. In short, Daphne’s mother Joan had severe vascular dementia and only when her mother passed away, did Daphne and her family discover that she was in fact married. You can […]

How Do I Sell a Probate Property?

When a person dies and their property needs to be sold, it’s known as a probate sale. If you’re the executor named in the will, then you’ll be granted the legal right to administer their estate, which may include the sale of any property that the deceased owned. To proceed with the sale of a probate […]

What happens if a Will is lost or Missing?


Liz Fyfe

A question we are asked with increasing frequency is what can be done when an original Will cannot be located. Perhaps it’s lost or even been destroyed. When making an application to the Probate Registry after a person has passed away, in order to apply, it is necessary to provide evidence of the deceased‘s original last Will […]

Does an Executor named in a Will have to act?

The role of an Executor is to take on the legal responsibility to deal with the administration of the estate of the deceased. This is a wide-reaching role with several legal duties and responsibilities to fulfil, which can continue beyond the administration period. The duties of an Executor include but are not limited to identifying […]

Do I need to register my Trust with HMRC?

Most Trusts must be registered with HMRC to ensure that the Trustees, and the Trust itself, are complying with anti-money laundering regulations. In this blog we focus on the registration of non-taxable Trusts, which is a Trust that has no UK tax liability. Below we set out some key information in respect of registering a non-taxable Trust with HMRC. Trusts can […]

What are the Rules of Intestacy?

I’m going to start by saying how important it is to ensure that you have a Will in place. Unfortunately, sometimes our loved ones put this off, believing it to be onerous, or not appreciating that the inevitable is sooner than they thought. What happens is there is no Will? We would always advise carrying out a […]

What are the dangers of DIY wills?

A recent case has emphasised the potential issues and pitfalls that can arise from homemade DIY wills as there are no lawyers involved in the Will drafting process. In the case of Henrietta Ingram & Anor v Simon Timothy Abraham & Anor, Joanne Abraham passed away in 2021. She left behind two children, Henrietta and […]

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