
Should I Change My Will After Divorce or Separation?

During relationship breakdowns, it is likely that the last thing on anyone’s mind is their Will or the lack of a Will. However, arguably, it is as important as any part of financial negotiations or the making arrangements for children. It is an area which is commonly overlooked both by Solicitors and Clients and this can […]

5 Reasons to Put Lasting Powers of Attorney in Place

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document in which you to appoint attorneys to make decisions on behalf of you, in the event that you lose mental capacity and cannot make the decision yourself. There are two different types of Lasting Powers of Attorney – one for Property and Finance Affairs and one for Health […]

What is a Secret Trust?


Liz Fyfe

Often thought to no longer be relevant in modern law, the archaic concept of secret trusts still exist in Wills today. This little known but fascinating topic does appear from time to time. The law concerning secret trusts is complex, but in the most simple terms, a secret trust is created when a person (known […]

Can a scrap of paper be a Will?

Aretha Franklin is a household name around the world. Until now she was known for her stellar 50-year career as a soul singer and for her activism. But since her death in 2018 she has been in the news more as the latest in an increasingly long line of celebrities with complex estates because of […]

What Are the Tax Rules When Giving a Gift at Christmas?

The giving season is quickly approaching, and it is a time where family members want to give money and other gifts to their loved ones. Although it’s not the most festive of topics, understanding the tax rules when it comes to giving gifts can be very important when managing your financial affairs. What Does HMRC […]

What are my Duties as an Executor?

Often, when a person dies, the responsibility of administering the deceased’s estate falls to a named person (or persons) know as the Executor(s). The task ahead for the Executor(s) can be daunting and, whilst in the midst of grieving for the loss of someone close, can be overwhelming. In this article we hope to help clarify […]

Can I Gift to Charity on My Death?

Charities rely heavily on donations from supporters. Many supporters choose to benefit a particular Charity by making donations in their lifetime. You can also benefit a Charity on your death by including a gift in your Will. What is a Charity? A Charity is a non-profit organisation that is established for charitable purposes. For an […]

What is a Predatory Marriage?

I recently attended a Vulnerability Conference and heard Daphne Franks telling her story about her wonderful mother Joan, who sadly passed away in March 2016. In short, Daphne’s mother Joan had severe vascular dementia and only when her mother passed away, did Daphne and her family discover that she was in fact married. You can […]

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