
Good Divorce Week – Communication


Jane Auty

Today marks the start of Good Divorce Week, a week long campaign led by Resolution with the aim of ensuring that where parents are separating and divorcing that it is done in a way that has the least impact on their children. Throughout the week we’ll be sharing ideas on how to be sure that during the often stressful and upsetting process that the children are included and considered.

We start by discussing communication. Jane Auty, one of our Family Solicitors says;

Communicating with your children is key to keeping them involved and aware of what is happening with their family. It’s going to be a big change for you and for them so speaking with them often, and in an age appropriate way by using language they will understand, will help them comprehend the changes that are taking place. Speak with them regularly so that they don’t feel left out and speak with them together to demonstrate that you are all working on this as a team to get the best outcome for everyone, including them.

“showing a dislike or even hate for the
other person will likely upset your children”

It’s easy for parents to blame each other for the breakdown but blaming each other should be avoided. Displaying negative feelings or showing a dislike or even hate for the other person will likely upset your children and will not help maintain a strong and happy relationship between you and your children going forward. Behaviours like this can lead to what is known as parental alienation, a situation where one parent either intentionally or otherwise speaks badly of the other parent which in turn can lead to the children sharing those same views and subsequently damage their relationship with their parent.

Finally, whilst you as a couple may have fallen out of love and are choosing to separate, it most certainly won’t be the case for your children. They will still love you just as much you will still love them so tell them so.”

For more information about separation and divorce and how mediation can help then contact us for a free consultation.

☎️ Call our Wakefield office on 01924 290 029
☎️ Call our Garforth office on 0113 246 4423
☎️ Call our Ossett office on 01924 586 466

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