
Can I See my Children During This Period of Increased Social Isolation?

Earlier this week I published a blog giving my thoughts on how to deal with a situation where you are separated, self-isolating, and you share the care of your children with their other parent. Things seem to be moving very fast indeed and only a few days later on 23rd March, our Prime Minister announced further measures to stall the spread of the Coronavirus, requesting social distancing to a greater level and this raised further questions about the movement of your children between households.

Remembering that the announcement was clear in that you may only leave your house for:

  • Shopping trips for necessary food and essential medicines;
  • For exercise however this is limited to once per day;
  • For any medical needs for yourself or anyone you are caring for;
  • To go to work, but only if you are unable to work from home.

It raised the question on whether these new guidelines mean that the movement of your children between households is allowed or not.

Subsequent to the announcement, Michael Gove made it clear on BBC Breakfast (after making a blunder and suggesting otherwise on Good Morning Britain) that children under the age of 18 can indeed move between households.

It is vital for children to have contact with both parents and where arrangements are in place, where possible, these should be maintained. It’s totally reasonable however to discuss the current arrangements with their other parent to see what adjustments can be made at this time. These can be as simple as moving around a few days so as to reduce the number of moves between households.

I said this in my previous blog and I reiterate it here. For any of this to be dealt with in a sensible manner and with the children’s best interests at the heart of the matter, you need full co-operation from all parties. Put aside any grievances you may have in order to ensure that your full attention is on the wellbeing of your children at this very difficult and worrying time.

If you are impacted and wanting some more advice then please do not hesitate to contact one of our Family Lawyers for a free, no obligation consultation. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced family lawyers who can help with mediation or for more formal matters. We may be exercising social distancing, but we have the technology in place to meet you in the virtual world via video call.

Call our Wakefield office on 01924 290 029
Call our Garforth office on 0113 246 4423
Call our Ossett office on 01924 586 466

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